The merriest season of the year is finally here, and with it comes Merry Mayhem!
Winter is here!
From December 6 to January 10, there are two different modes you can participate in; Mayhem Annihilation and Free-for-All Mayhem. In both modes you have the chance to loot Christmas Strongboxes, Mayhem Tokens, and Rare Mayhem Tokens.
Mayhem Annihilation has 10 instances of increasing difficulty, and the challenge consist of a of collecting points by eliminating creatures of various difficulty levels.
Free-for-All Mayhem has a single instance for everyone, no matter you skill levels. Your goal is to loot FFA Mayhem Stars and hand them in to the Santa’s Little Helper NPCs. The 10 players who handed in the most stars at the end of the event will receive prizes.
There is also a hunting mission for Merry Snargs for our newcomers! Talk to the NPC Santa's Little Helper by the Port Atlantis East Gate [61614, 75294], and you will receive the mission "Jul Snarg Hunt".
If you want a deep-dive in the specifics, you can find the official announcement here: https://www.entropiauniverse.com/bulletin/events/2023/11/30/Merry-Mayhem-2023/index.xml