One of the main pillars of the game, and the in-game economy, is Hunting. Hunting is the act of killing different creatures or robots, earning loot in the process. The loot can be weapons, armors, or other items that are ready to use, or it can be different resources that can be used in Crafting to create new items.
The Act of Killing
To equip a weapon, open the Inventory (I), select the Weapons tab, and then double click the weapon of your choice to equip it. There has to be ammunition in the inventory that matches the weapon type, either "BLP" or "Laser", or "Universal Ammo" which can be used by all.
When you have equipped your weapon, you can either point and shoot with your mouse, or you can use the Interact key (F) to conveniently select the next available target and automatically fire until the target is dead.

The Aid of Healing
When the enemies fight back, you may need to use a healing tool to survive. You do this by going to the Tools tab in the Inventory, find the healing tool, double click it, and then press Interact (F) or Use (E) to heal.
The Art of Protection
To avoid having to heal, you should find an armor that matches the damage type of your enemies.
In the game, there is a total of 9 different damage types:
Stab - Close combat
Cut - Close combat
Impact - Close combat
Penetration - Firearms
Shrapnel - Firearms
Burn - Firearms
Cold - Mixed sources
Acid - Mixed sources
Electric - Mixed sources
The easiest way to figure out which armor to use is to find the creature in Creatures page on the wiki, then compare the damages types to the Armors page on the wiki.
The Mindforce Magic
Instead of using a weapon or healing tool, you can use Mindforce chips. To use them you need to have a Mindforce Implant, which you insert using the "Payn-Inc Implant Inserter" found in the Trade Terminals. Check the Mindforce Implants page on the wiki for more information.
When you have inserted an Implant, you equip and use the Mindforce Chips just like any other weapon or tool.
There are lots of different chips in all different categories. There is a wide range of combat chips, healing chips, or utility chips for things like teleportation.